Ola from Portugal!
I am so excited to be attending the 2018 WEBSUMMIT in Lisbon . I coincidentally had a taste of last year’s Summit (mostly the NightSummit a.k.a the fun part) and I felt really inspired to attend one as a full-time attendee. I got my ticket and I am ready to go and venture out!
As a professional translator, editor and multilingual copywriter, I have been attending mostly translation-related conferences. Older colleagues advise expanding my learning and marketing efforts to professional conferences in the fields which I want to provide translation/localization services for. I really think the WEBSUMMIT 2018 is the place for me.
“The best technology conference on the planet” – Forbes
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I am looking forward to meeting and learning from tech geniuses, creative and marketing gurus, start-up founders, women entrepreneurs, developers… and not to forget, I am planning to have some fun too! Keeping an open mind is a pre-requisite when going to a conference of such magnitude with 24 different tracks (branches): from Robotics to Surfing…
Today, I am preparing my 15 seconds “elevator” pitch. What do I do?
“I aim to bridge language barriers. Increase traffic and accessibility via localization and translation services…”
I don’t know… It’s hard. I guess it depends whom I speak to and what’s the context. One pitch won’t fit it all. Will sound rehearsed, artificial…plus I am so many things at once… I take photos and I am learning videography. I write. I am a yogi. I love art. I just moved to Portugal…
I guess the plan is just to give people the most precious gift I have:
My undivided attention.
So, here we go… This is my intention:
To give each person, each lecture I attend, each new thing I come across as much of my undivided attention as I can…and keep an open mind!
I will update this after the summit. If you are reading this and planning to be there – drop me a line, I would love to connect!